We have an apples to apples guarantee so clients have the peace of mind in knowing that if they are able to find a comparable system for less money, we guarantee that we’ll match the price. Apples to apples means looking at the level of service that we provide, the efficiency of the equipment, and all the add-ons we perform to make sure our competitor is offering everything at the same level. If someone else can do it for less, we’ll make sure to refund the difference.
Most people like to talk to two or three different companies to see how they stack up with each other. The fact is, if you’re talking to full service companies with the same level of care, commitment, and concern for clients as we provide at Boulden Brothers, we simply don’t believe that anyone else can do it for less than we do. When homeowners go out and shop around, they usually find out that this is the case. You can always find something for less, but when you start to dig, you inevitably find that the quality of the equipment, efficiency, installation standards, or the skills and background of their technicians is less than what the Boulden Brothers offer.
Look at Competitors’ Standards
Is the company licensed, insured, and bonded? Do they perform criminal background checks and drug tests to make sure the people on their team are worthy of visiting your home? Some companies simply aren’t qualified to do the job, and this is where the customer is vulnerable. One of our core values is if we wouldn’t send someone into our own home, our mother’s house or our grandmother’s house, we wouldn’t send them into one of our client’s homes either. We make sure that every single person on our team is someone that we’re comfortable having in our home and representing Boulden Brothers.
We Help You Compare
If you obtain a written estimate from another HVAC company, we can go over it with you and help make sure it’s a true apples to apples comparison. In many cases, we are the first heating/cooling company to visit the home. Homeowners will often decide to get multiple estimates afterward, so we like to offer to come back and make sure they’re getting exactly what they expect. If it turns out that a competitor is a level comparison to us, that’s when the guarantee kicks in.
How Often Do Competitors Stack Up?
Not very often, when we actually examine the total package including the warranties, guarantees, quality of equipment, efficiency, and all the steps that go into a Boulden Brothers installation. Once we look at what we do, why we do it, and why it’s different, in many cases we’re providing much more value for the same amount of money.
Contact us to see how the apples to apples guarantee works for you. If you think you’ve found a competitor providing the same value for a lower rate, give Boulden Brothers a call or contact us online.